Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gday Gday - How Ya Goin

Tonight during our World Trivia Tour team trivia event at the Elks Lodge in Bismarck, ND, we officially became the “World” Trivia Tour.

One of our team, called “Lifeguards of the Gene Pool” is made up of some Moses Elementary teachers and their friends. Tonight, they invited Aubrey and Martin Beggs from Sydney, Australia to play on their team. Aubrey and Martin are two very dynamic personalities that are part of the Australian Kaleidoscope touring the U.S.

I can say that it was truly a pleasure to meet them and have them officially become a part of our trivia family. I plan to first stay in touch with these fine gentlemen and secondly, purchase their album of traditional Australian music (pictured above). I encourage you to do the same. Share this music with your children and open their minds to a whole new world of culture. These guys are talented!

I wish them the best of luck and safest of travels as they continue to inspire and educate our children.

I am grateful for their willingness to share so much of their lives and culture with the most important people in our world, our children.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Giving Props

I just had to take a moment to point out the website of one of the most talented photographers I have ever seen. His name is Jason Lindsey and is from the Illinois area.

He does some work for the ND Tourism Department and with my company, Odney Adversiting.

I am a weekend warrior sports photographer and when I look at his work, It’s “stunning”. I find myself browsing his portfolio for long periods at a time.

Check it out for yourself!

Thanks for sharing your talent with us, Mr. Lindsey.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

This is truly amazing...

I was surfing around and ran across this amazing video on my cousin Jim Cota's blog. Wow! Check this out.

The Cotas: This is truly amazing...

Thanks Jim.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Class Bs

Originally uploaded by wild007
As I watch the Class B on TV once again, I am taken back to a couple of years ago when I had the opportunity to shot photos of the tournament when it was hosted in Bismarck. Here you see a photo of the championship-winning shot with just three seconds left on the clock to give Dickinson Trinity the state tite.

I am from a Class A school but am in awe of the passion of both athletes and fans for their schools and this sport. It's unrivaled.

Thanks for your hard work, dedication and energy. You truly create a buzz in town during tournament time. It's one of my favorite things about living in this great state of ND.

Game On!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Testing BlogJet

I have installed an interesting application - BlogJet. It's a cool Windows client for my blog tool (as well as for other tools). Get your copy here:

"Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant; together they are powerful beyond imagination." -- Albert Einstein!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My First Podcast!

Get ready for some Trivia Gumbo! For more details, you can visit the Trivia Gumbo website at

Trivia Gumbo is the official podcast of the World Trivia Tour. It's a weekly chance to pick up some "somewhat fabulous prizes" (I call them Prize Placebos).

Have Fun!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Natasha Bedingfield Rocks

I had a co-worker turn me on to her stuff.

Here he is talking about one of her tunes.

She is worth checking out!

Talk about your "Damn Talented"...

The Daily Rx is the blog of one of the most creative people I know. I noticed that she has a side-bar of links on her blog called "Damn Talented...and I actually know these people".

I would have to say the exact same thing of her. Total Rock Star.

If you dig a little, you can find some samples of her creative work or just go straight to her website. All I can say is "Wow". I'm damn glad I know this talented person.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Thank You, Wes Walz

Ever since the Minnesota Wild began their journey in the NHL in 2000, I have watch this team develop into a solid cup contender. It doent' hurt that I own a few jerseys with my name on it as well...

The first year intoduced me to a player named Wes Walz (#37). I watched as he outworked every player on the ice every shift he played. I my mind, he was the heart and soul of the team's success in its early years. Coach Jacques Lemaire called him a "50 goal scorer", because he would score 25 goals in a season and would also prevent 25 goals in the same season.

In November of 2007 Wes Walz announced his retirement from professional hockey. It was a bitter-sweet moment for me. I am a bit sad that I won't be able to watch him work his ass off for the team, and yet I am happy to see him retire at the top of his game in a Wild sweater.

Wes, you have become and will continue to be my favorite player in the National Hockey League. I personally want to thank you for the amazing memories (game tying goal against Vancouver in game 7, just to name a fav) and for what you did for the younger players on your team. You are and will continue to be a role model for all players.

I sincerely wish you the best in your new life direction. I know that you will succeed. Good people always do.

Game on, #37

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Worth Reading

My daughter Sommer and I have started to read some of the same books. No, it's not because we attend the same started with the news of a movie that was being released called "The Spiderwick Chronicles".

We made a decision that we would read the Spiderwick book series together. I purchased the box set for her and I downloaded my audiobook version from I was a great experience as we hammered our way through the books and discussed what was going on. We anxiously awaited the theatrical release date.
We finally saw the film today and it was a great experience. Not only because it was a great movie, but because it was great different than the books. We talked the whole way home about the bitter-sweet experience of falling in love with the books and having someone change them for the movie. It's understandable that you can't tell a story that's 5 books long on just 90 minutes. The cool part is that we were able to see the story from a whole new perspective. Perhaps that enhanced our movie-going experience because in many ways we felt like we were seeing it for the first time. However, I don't recommend this movie for youngsters. It was very intense in it's theme and violence. I recommend that you keep them at home and rent them the movie in a few years.

I look forward to our next book assignment together. It will also be fun to get my other daughter, Sydney (age 7), involved too.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Trivial Things Indeed

Are you a fan of all things trivial? Boy do I have some blogs and podcasts for you!

The Hogger Blog - The Official Blog of the World Trivia Tour

Trivia Gumbo - The Official Podcast of the World Trivia Tour

Ken Jenning's Official Blog

Mental Floss Magazine Blog

I will report back as I research some more.


Thursday, February 21, 2008


Every once in a while, something pops into my inbox that has been forwarded on about a billion times that is actually worth taking a look. This is just such a link.

It's a lecture given by Randy Pausch as part of his "Last Lecture" series at his university.

Please do yourself, and any loved ones that may be in the near vicinity, a favor and take 10 minutes from your busy, hectic day to watch this video.

Here is the story as featured on the site, since she featured it on her show. Thank you, Oprah for what you do. I am truly grateful.

Randy, I am grateful for the gift that you gave to your boys and were willing to share with the world. I am proud to be one of the 6 million ++ viewers that have seen this.
What a legacy to leave behind.

What legacy are you leaving behind? This will seriously make you think.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Testing...Testing...Is This Thing On?

Welcome to my little corner of the Blog-o-Sphere!

This past months have been a whirlwind of activity in my life, some fantastic, some not.

A place to reflect, appreciate, vent, question, realize and share. The fact that you are reading this shows me that you are somewhat interested in learning what makes me tick. It will be in here.

I will share things that inspire me, motivate me and just plain make me laugh out loud.

I am a trivia junkie and have created The World Trivia Tour. It's all about bringing good trivia to the masses. Watch for it. I will also be blogging about my passion for trivia.

I appreciate your interest. I don't expect it. I am always grateful for it.

So as I kick open the door to my world, I title this blog in homage to one of my favorite John Prine songs of all time and say "Hello in There".